French Bulldog Tail: A Mystery That’s Solved

Curious about the mystery of the French Bulldog tail? In this article, we’ll dispel any doubts about Frenchie’s tails.

Whenever we show love to our dogs or call their name, they respond with a joyful wag of their tail, reciprocating our affection. 

As we humans communicate through the magic of words, dogs have their own unique way of expressing themselves—by wagging their tails. 

But, when it comes to French Bulldogs, you might find yourself a bit disappointed that your Frenchie can’t talk to you the way other dogs can. And the answer to this lies in the French Bulldog tail.

So let’s discuss French Bulldog tails, the various tail types found in Frenchies, whether a French Bulldog’s tail is naturally short or docked, and potential health issues related to tail infections. Let’s begin!

The Anatomy of the French Bulldog Tail

French Bulldog’s tail is a trait that makes each French Bulldog unique, with its different shapes and lengths. 

French Bulldog tails are naturally shorter than the tails of other dog breeds, typically having about six or fewer vertebrae in their tails. In contrast, most other dogs have anywhere between 18 and 22 vertebrae in their tails. 

French Bulldog Tail
French Bulldog Tail

Now, the reason for these short tails in French Bulldogs is a genetic mutation that causes their tails to stop growing early during embryonic development.

AKC on French Bulldog Tail

According to the Official Breed Standard of the French Bulldog set by the AKC (American Kennel Club), the tail of the French Bulldog can be either straight or screwed but not curly. 

It’s short and hangs low, has a thick base, and a fine tip. 

And It’s usually carried low when the dog is resting.

Are French Bulldogs Born with Tails?

Yes, French Bulldogs are born with tails, just like other dogs. 

But what makes Frenchies special is that their tails are naturally short, which is one of their unique features. 

Understanding the story behind their tails can help you love and understand these cute dogs even more.

A Short Tale of the French Bulldog Tail

There are theories explaining why French Bulldogs have such short tails. 

One theory is that it is simply a result of selective breeding. Because people who bred these dogs liked the ones with shorter tails. So, over time, this trait became a common feature of the breed.

French Bulldog tails

Another theory is that this short tail was helpful for French Bulldogs when they were used for a tough job – fighting bulls. Because French Bulldogs were originally bred as bull-baiting dogs, 

French Bulldog tail types

Again, French Bulldogs have short tails, but the size and shapes always vary for each Frenchie.

Frenchies can have different kinds of tails, but the most usual ones are:

Corkscrew Tail: This is the classic French Bulldog tail, it’s tightly curled like a corkscrew. It’s a feature that makes them easy to recognize.

Screw Tail: The screw tail is similar to the corkscrew, but it’s a bit looser, like a gentle twist. It’s still unique and cute.

Straight Tail: Some French Bulldogs have straight tails that don’t curl or twist. This makes them stand out because it’s not as common.

How to Maintain a French Bulldog’s Tail

As we all know that the bigger the thing, the more care it demands. But taking care of a French Bulldog’s tail is usually easy; simply check it regularly.

Here are some tips for caring for your French Bulldog’s tail:

  • Always make sure to keep your Frenchie’s tail clean and dry, especially after defecation.
  • Look at your Frenchie’s tail for any issues like redness, irritation, or discharge. If you see a problem, call your vet right away.
  • When you’re taking care of your Frenchie’s tail, be gentle. Don’t pull or tug on it because that can hurt them.
  • If your Frenchie has a screw tail, be extra watchful for any signs of infection. This kind of tail can get infected more easily than others.

Health Issues Related to the French Bulldog Tail?

Even though we love French Bulldogs for their special tails, it’s also important to know that these tails can sometimes bring health problems.

Here are a few of them:

Tail Pocket Issues

French Bulldogs, like some other breeds, might have little pockets near the base of their tails. 

These pockets can trap dirt, water, and germs, which can lead to infections. 

It’s important to regularly check and clean these pockets to keep your dog comfortable and prevent infections.

Tail Infections

Because French Bulldogs have different tails, they can get tail infections more easily. 

Stuff like water and dirt can get stuck in the folds of their tails, and that can lead to infections. 

To prevent infections, make sure your Frenchie’s tail is clean and dry and check regularly and if you notice any unusual, contact your vet right away.

Tail Docking Controversy

Tail docking, a practice of surgically removing a portion of a dog’s tail, is a subject of controversy within the Frenchie community. 

Many countries and groups don’t allow tail docking just to make a dog look better because it hurts the dog and makes them upset. 

Usually, French Bulldogs shouldn’t have their tails cut just to make them look nice.

A vet cleaning a French Bulldog tail pocket

Wrapping Up

As we finish talking about French Bulldog tails, remember that these little tails mean a lot to those who love Frenchies. Whether your Frenchie has a curly or straight tail, it’s special. Taking good care of their tail is important to keep them happy and healthy. 

So, embrace the differences, love your Frenchie, and take good care of them. Their tails are a symbol of the joy they bring into your life.


What are the different types of French Bulldog tails?

French Bulldog tails can be straight or screw-shaped. They can also come in a variety of colors, including black, brown, brindle, and fawn.

Do French Bulldog tails need to be docked?

No, French Bulldog tails do not need to be docked. Tail docking is a cosmetic procedure that is no longer necessary or common. In fact, tail docking is illegal in many countries.

Common issues related to French Bulldog tails?

Common issues related to French Bulldog tails include tail pocket infections, tail injuries, and potential complications from tail docking, which is sometimes done for cosmetic reasons.

What are the risks of tail docking?

Tail docking is a surgical procedure that can cause pain, bleeding, and infection. It can also lead to long-term problems such as nerve damage and phantom pain.

How can I care for my French Bulldog’s tail?

French Bulldog tails are relatively low-maintenance, but it is important to inspect them regularly for any signs of irritation or infection. If you notice any redness, swelling, or discharge from your dog’s tail, please consult with your veterinarian.

Image Credits:Photo by Egor Myznik on Unsplash

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