What Can French Bulldogs Eat For a Healthy Life? Let’s Find Out

Being a French Bulldog owner means you often think about what’s safe for your furry friend to eat without upsetting their tummy. This thought of “what can French Bulldogs eat” is natural, because you genuinely want your Frenchie to stay comfortable and healthy.

So don’t worry, today we will answer some of your questions like:-

Should I give veg food to my French Bulldog or non-veg, which will be better for the French Bulldog?

Should I give watermelon, peanut butter, eggs, or something else to my French Bulldog to fulfill his/her protein and nutrient needs without upsetting his/her stomach, and he can also eat that thing with great pleasure?

What Can French Bulldogs Eat

Now, if you are a vegetarian, then there’s a high chance that you will prefer a veg diet for your French Bulldog.

what can French Bulldogs eat

Don’t worry, Frenchies are versatile; they can eat anything, whether it’s veg, non-veg, fruits, or commercial dog food.

But, there’s one important thing to keep in mind before introducing any new food to your French Bulldog: don’t start by making it the main part of their diet.

Keep in mind that moderation is key; begin gradually by giving them a small piece of the new food. This is the best way for your Frenchie to adjust smoothly.

Types of Food You Can Give to Your French Bulldog

  • Veg
  • Non-veg
  • Fruits
  • Dog Food

Now we’ll discuss each of them in detail.

What Vegetables Can French Bulldogs Eat

There are many benefits to feeding your French Bulldog plant-based foods.

Vegetables can be easier on their stomach, which will lead to smoother digestion and reduce the chances of stomach problems.

Plant-based diets also help keep your Frenchie’s weight under control and prevent obesity.

Now, what plant-based foods are suitable for French Bulldogs? Here is a list of some of the best vegetables for your French Bulldog diet.

Sweet Potatoes

If you’ve decided to include sweet potatoes in your Frenchie’s diet, then trust me, you’ve made a wonderful choice for your French Bulldog.

Sweet potatoes are not just a fantastic choice for French Bulldogs, But they are also packed with vitamins, fiber, and antioxidants. 

All of these nutrients contribute to a shiny coat and a robust immune system. 

When preparing sweet potatoes for Frenchie, cook them well. 

Because cooked sweet potatoes are rich in vitamins, which can be a tasty and nutritious addition to your Frenchie’s diet. But make sure to remove the skin, and serve them in small, manageable portions. 

This will help your Frenchie enjoy this nutritious treat without any digestive issues.


Broccoli is another great option for your French Bulldog. It’s a great source of vitamins, including vitamin C and vitamin K, as well as fiber. 

can frenchies eat broccoli
Broccoli Photo by Hans Ripa on Unsplash

But, when it comes to broccoli, moderation is the only key. Because giving too much Broccoli to your Frenchie can lead to gas and digestive discomfort. 

To avoid any tummy Problems for your Frenchie, it’s best to steam or boil the broccoli. This makes it easier for your French Bulldog to digest.

This way, your French Bulldog can enjoy this nutrient-rich vegetable without any trouble.


All dogs enjoy carrots, and when it comes to vegetables, carrots are indeed a dog’s best friend, and French Bulldogs are no exception. 

Carrots offer important vitamins, fiber, and refreshing goodness. 

But, to make your Frenchie relish this cool and crunchy treat in his/her diet, then slice them into small pieces. 

Carrots can also help your French Bulldog stay hydrated in warm weather.


If you are worried about your French Bulldog’s weight and want to keep them fit and healthy, then you are going to like cucumbers. 

can frenchies eat cucumber
Cucumber Photo by CA Creative on Unsplash

Because cucumber is a hydrating and low-calorie option for your French Bulldog. 

Like carrots, cucumbers also offer vitamins, fiber, and a feel of refreshment. The main difference between carrots and cucumbers is their taste. 

Cucumbers also help your Frenchie stay hydrated in warm weather.


While technically tomatoes are a fruit. But you can still include them in your French Bulldog’s veg diet. 

Tomatoes are a great source of vitamins and antioxidants, which can benefit your Frenchie’s health. 

Before you add tomatoes to your Frenchie’s diet, be sure to remove the green parts and seeds, as they can be harmful. 

Additionally, give them tomatoes in moderation and ensure they are ripe, red, and fully ripe.

The possibilities of what can French Bulldogs eat on a veg diet don’t stop here. This list is just the beginning, and we’ll explore even more in our upcoming articles.

Now, let’s discuss what can French Bulldogs eat in non-veg.

Best Non-Veg Options for French Bulldogs

We’ve discussed the best veg diet for French Bulldogs. Now, let’s discuss some of the best non-veg sources of protein and essential nutrients for Frenchies to have.


As humans, we eat chicken to meet our protein and essential nutrient needs. The same principle applies to dogs too, including French Bulldogs. 

Chicken is rich in amino acids and it’s a lean source of protein. 

can french bulldogs eat chicken
Chicken Photo by Daniel Hooper on Unsplash

Chicken often does not affect or upset a French Bulldog’s stomach, and under the proper guidance of your Frenchie’s veterinarian, you can add chicken to your Frenchie’s regular diet. 

Ensure it’s well cooked without extra fats, seasonings, or spices to keep it safe and healthy for your Frenchie. 


French Bulldogs enjoy turkey. To them, it’s like grapes to us – Just pick up and eat because it’s skinless and boneless.  

Turkey is a lean source of essential amino acids. Also, turkey can be a delicious addition to their diet. 

Just like chicken, make sure it’s cooked without any added fats, seasonings, or spices to prevent any digestive issues.

Lean Beef

You can give lean beef to your French Bulldog. It has lots of protein and iron, which are good for them. 

can frenchies eat beef
Lean Beef Photo by Cristi Caval on Unsplash

But make sure to cook it really well to eliminate any potential health risks.

Don’t use fatty pieces or add seasonings because they can be bad for your Frenchie. Choose lean cuts to keep their diet healthy.


Salmon is a great pick for making your French Bulldog’s coat shiny and keeping them healthy. 

can frenchies eat salmon
Salmon Photo by CA Creative on Unsplash

It has omega-3 fatty acids that are excellent for their skin and fur. 

Just make sure the salmon is completely cooked and doesn’t have any bones to keep them safe. Serve it without any spices or seasonings.


You can give your French Bulldog lean lamb meat. Lamb has protein, vitamins, and minerals that are good for them. 

But don’t give too much because it can be fatty. 

Before you serve it, be sure to remove any excess fat to keep it safe and healthy for your Frenchie.

What Fruits Can French Bulldogs Eat

When it comes to fruits for your French Bulldog, there are some safe and tasty options we’ll discuss now.


Strawberries can be a nice snack for your French Bulldog. They taste good and have vitamins, antioxidants, and good stuff for your dog. 

can frenchies eat strawberries
Strawberries Photo by Egor Kamelev

But like all treats, it’s best not to give too many. Cut the strawberries into small bits to make them easy for your Frenchie to eat. 

Be mindful to remove the stems before offering them, ensuring a safe and healthy snack.


Watermelon is like a tasty drink for your French Bulldog, perfect on hot days. 

It’s got vitamins and lots of water. But don’t forget, take out the black seeds and the green part, so it’s easy to eat and won’t cause any tummy troubles. 

Cut it into small pieces, and your Frenchie will love this cool, safe treat.


Apples are a classic choice and a great source of fiber, iron, vitamins, and minerals. 

can frenchies eat apples
Apples Photo by Skylar Zilka on Unsplash

Your French Bulldog can munch on apple slices for a yummy and healthy snack. Just make sure to take out the middle and cut them into small, easy-to-eat pieces. 

This way, your Frenchie can enjoy them without any worries about choking.


Yes, Frenchies can eat bananas. Bananas are a good and easy snack for your French Bulldog. 

can frenchies eat bananas
Bananas Photo by Karsten Winegeart on Unsplash

They have things like potassium and vitamins that are good for your dog. 

Just peel and cut a banana into small pieces, and your Frenchie will probably really like the sweet, soft part. 

Bananas usually won’t upset their tummy, so they’re a safe and tasty choice.


Pineapple is like a yummy tropical treat for your French Bulldog. It’s got vitamins and some stuff called enzymes that are good. 

But before giving it to your Frenchie, be sure to take off the hard, spiky skin and the middle part. Cut the pineapple into small, easy-to-eat pieces. 

can frenchies eat pineapple
Pineapples Photo by Fiona Smallwood on Unsplash

Pineapple is usually okay, but don’t give too much, or it might upset your Frenchie’s tummy.

Our exploration of fruits and veggies for French Bulldogs is just beginning. There’s a world of tasty treats out there for your Frenchie, and we’re excited to unveil them in our upcoming articles.

Best Dog Food 

According to PETA (PEOPLE FOR THE ETHICAL TREATMENT OF ANIMALS), these are some of the best dog foods available in the market.


PawCo Foods



Wild Earth

There are a lot of dog foods available in the market, but to keep your French Bulldog happy and healthy, it is important to give them the right one. For that, you can search by yourself, or you can contact the vet for the proper guidance.

Food for French Bulldogs with Allergies

When your French Bulldog has allergies, picking the right food is super important.

Allergies can make your pup uncomfortable, but with some care, you can make mealtimes easy.

First, find out what stuff your Frenchie is allergic to, like certain proteins or grains. Then, get dog food that doesn’t have those things – it’s called “hypoallergenic”.

This kind of food is gentle on sensitive tummies. It’s also smart to chat with your vet because they can suggest the right hypoallergenic brands. 


In conclusion, taking care of a French Bulldog is more than just giving them food; it’s about keeping them healthy and happy. Whether you’re picking the right foods like fruits, veggies, non-veg options, or special diets for allergies and sensitive tummies, your dedication to their well-being shines through.

Every Frenchie is different, so it might take some time to find their favorite foods that make them feel great. Getting advice from your vet is a smart move because they can give you personalized tips for your beloved pet’s specific needs. 

When you make thoughtful and caring choices, you’re not only feeding your French Bulldog; you’re keeping them cheerful and ensuring they have a cozy and happy life. Your commitment to their well-being shows the strong bond between you and your furry friend, and it’s a bond that only grows stronger as you continue to provide the best for them.

Frequently asked questions

Can Frenchies eat bananas?

Yes, French Bulldogs can have bananas. But don’t give them too many because too much potassium isn’t good for dogs. Bananas have fiber, vitamin C, and potassium, which are healthy for your Frenchie.

Can Frenchies eat mangoes?

Yes, French Bulldogs can eat mangoes. But you need to remove the pit and skin because they can be harmful. Mangoes have vitamins A, C, and E, and fiber.

Can Frenchies eat oranges?

Yes, French Bulldogs can have oranges. But don’t give them too many because too much citrus can upset their tummy. Oranges have vitamin C and fiber.

Can Frenchies eat blueberries?

Yes, French Bulldogs can eat blueberries. Blueberries have antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. They’re low in calories and fat, so they’re a healthy snack for your Frenchie.

Can French Bulldogs eat grapes?

No, Frenchies should not eat grapes, as they can be toxic to them. Even a small amount of grapes can cause kidney failure in Frenchies, so it is important to keep them away from this fruit. If your Frenchie eats grapes, talk to the vet right away.

Can French Bulldogs eat peanut butter?

Yes, Frenchies can eat peanut butter, but it is important to choose a peanut butter that is unsalted and does not contain any xylitol. Xylitol is a sweetener that is toxic to dogs, even in small amounts.

Photo Credits

Vegetables:- Photo by Iñigo De la Maza on Unsplash

Broccoli:- Photo by Hans Ripa on Unsplash

Cucumber:- Photo by CA Creative on Unsplash

Chicken:- Photo by Daniel Hooper 🌊 on Unsplash

Lean Beef:- Photo by Cristi Caval on Unsplash

Salmon:- Photo by CA Creative on Unsplash

Strawberry:- Photo by Egor Kamelev

Apple:- Photo by Skylar Zilka on Unsplash

Pineapple:- Photo by Fiona Smallwood on Unsplash

Banana:- Photo by Karsten Winegeart on Unsplash

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